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A member registered May 31, 2020

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this game is like a big warm hug and soothing medicine from all the pain and hardship and disgusting thoughts i have everyday.......i love it

i don't care, ive seen better scratch touhou projects

it could've been better bro, i dont know crap about scratch but everything is eyeblinding, occasionally some bosses use normal touhou danmaku sprites when most of the time it uses eyeblinding circles and shapes. I don't get that?? and they traced dairi's art for no reason, they could've just used the original ones without fucking them up with the black lines

please do

>traced art
>fanmade characters not only look awful, but their art is aswell
>terrible music
>terrible cg, looks eye blinding and you could've just used touhou danmaku for everything
>terrible hitboxes
overall the game is shit, even resurrection of heaven's liqour is better than this, not only that you might as well stop using terrible scratch and switch to danmakufu lmao